
恐怖  其它  2019 

主演:Merve Ates Adnan Koç Dilara Büyükbayrakt 

导演:Alper Mestçi 


小狐TV 提供《西辛6》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《西辛6》迅雷资源,《西辛6》高清在线观看,《西辛6》完整高清未删减版,《西辛6》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Yaşar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Yaşar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar's mentally disordered daughter Efsun's dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.

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