
剧情  其它  2018 

主演:Victor Pueyo Fernando Renjifo Ziad Chaka 



小狐TV 提供《浮士德2018》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《浮士德2018》迅雷资源,《浮士德2018》高清在线观看,《浮士德2018》完整高清未删减版,《浮士德2018》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

On the Oaxacan coast of Mexico, rumblings of previous times are never far from the surface. Tales of shapeshifting, telepathy and dealings with the Devil are embedded in the colonization and enslavement of the Americas. Characters from the Faust legend mingle with the inhabitants, while attempting to colonize and control nature through a seemingly never-ending building project. Through literature, myth and local entanglements, the frontier between reality and fiction, and the seen and unseen, no longer apply.

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