
剧情  欧美  2001 

主演:安吉拉·贝蒂斯 莫蕾娜·巴卡林 



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 "Perfume" chronicles one week in the lives of over a dozen people involved in the magazine and entertainment business of New York City. The central characters include Italian designer Lorenzo Mancini who learns that he"s dying from cancer and decides to get his affairs in order with his wife Irine and his business partner Guido. Lorenzo"s son Mario is a recording promoter who"s latest client is hip-hop rapper J.B.. Roberta is a designer hard-pressed to fill out a latest dress design for the next Broadway show her group is putting on. Other characters are Jamie, a crafty agent whose latest client, Camille finds success but affects their relationship in ways he never planned and fails to deal with. Leese Hotton is a has-been model/actress trying to make a comeback into the spotlight......

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