
喜剧  美国  1987 

主演:理查德·德莱福斯 丹尼·德维托 芭芭拉·赫希 




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  Tin Men is one of my favorite movies of all time. The thing that always strikes me whenever I watch this movie is that while the characters of Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito are seemingly feuding non-stop throughout the movie, in reality they are actually kindred spirits. It's like they see themselves in the other but don't really like what they see. Barbara Hershey is great as the haggard housewife who looks for something more fulfilling in her life. All the supporting cast is excellent. I love the diner dialog which is reminiscent of Barry Levinson's previous film "Diner." The background scenes of Baltimore landscape add to the realistic atmosphere of the movie. Overall, I think this movie is vastly underrated. I'd love to see a sequel with Dreyfuss and DeVito as partners in a VW dealership.

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