
剧情  美国  1939 

主演:玛娜·洛伊 泰隆·鲍华 乔治·布伦特 




小狐TV 提供《雨季来临》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《雨季来临》迅雷资源,《雨季来临》高清在线观看,《雨季来临》完整高清未删减版,《雨季来临》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

The adventurous Lady Edwina Esketh travels to the princely state of Ranchipur in India with her husband, Lord Albert Esketh, who is there to purchase some of the Maharajah's horses. She's surprised to meet an old friend, Tom Ransome who came to Ranchipur seven years before to moxia.cc paint the Maharajah's portrait and just stayed on. Ransome has developed something of a reputation - for womanizing and drinking too much - but that's OK with Edwina who is bored and looking for fun. She soon meets the local doctor, the hard working and serious Major Rama Safti. He doesn't immediately respond to her advances but when the seasonal rains come, disaster strikes when a dam fails, flooding much of the countryside. Disease soon sets in and everyone, including Ransome and Edwina, work at a non-stop pace to save as many as possible. Safti deeply admires Edwina's sacrifice but fate intervenes.

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